ISSN 2227-2925 (print)
ISSN 2500-1558 (online)
Прикладная химия и биотехнология

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Представлены сведения о золь-гель технологии формирования гибридных материалов из золей. Определены достоинства метода. Рассмотрены золь-гель процессы с участием кремнийорганических соединений. Проанализирован многолетний опыт отечественных и зарубежных ученых по получению продуктов золь-гель синтеза на основе кремнийорганических мономеров. Описан способ получения органо-неорганических композитов на основе тетраэтоксисилана и азотсодержащих гетероциклических полимерных соединений. Приведен химический состав и некоторые характеристики синтезированных гибридных материалов. Исследованием сорбционной активности композитов подтверждено сохранение функциональных свойств азотистых полиоснований в составе полученных композитов.

Ключевые слова:

золь-гель синтез,гибридные композиты,тетраэтоксисилан,азотсодержащие полимерные соединения,sol-gel synthesis,hybrid composites,tetraethoxysilane,nitrogen-containing polymer compounds

Библиографический список:

  1. Гребенщиков И.В. Поверхностные свойства стекла // Строение стекла / Под ред. Безбородова. М.: Госхимиздат, 1933. С. 101-116.
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  3. Воронков М.Г., Шорохов Н.В. Применение растворов строительных материалов // Информационно-технический листок. Строительная промышленность. 1956. N 2. 22 с.
  4. Борисенко А.И., Николаева Л.В. Тонкие стеклоэмалевые и стеклокерамические покрытия. Л.: Наука, 1970. 70 с.
  5. Шевченко В.Я. Введение в техническую керамику. М.: Наука, 1993. 113 с.
  6. Фридрихсберг Д.А. Курс коллоидной химии. СПб: Химия, 1995. 399 с.
  7. Brinker C.J., Scherer G.W. Sol-Gel Science. The Physics and Chemistry of Sol-Gel Processing. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc., 1990. 908 p.
  8. Lebedeva O.V., Pozhidaev Yu.N., Shaglaeva N.S., Pozdnyakov A.S., Bochcareva S.S. Polyelectrolytes Based on Nitrogenous Bases // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. 2010. Vol. 44, N 5. P. 786-790.
  9. Pinero M., La Rosa-Fox N.D., Erce-Montilla R., Esquivias L. Small angleneutron scattering study of PbS quantum dots synthetic routes via sol-gel // J. Sol-Gel Sci.Tech.2003. Vol. 26, N 1-3. P. 527-531.
  10. Schubert U. Silica-based and transition metal-based inorganic-organic hybrids materials - a comparison // J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech. 2003. Vol. 26, N 1-3. P.47-55.
  11. Honma I., Nakajima H., Nishikawa O., Sugimoto Т., Nomura S. Organic / inorganic nanocomposites for high temperature proton conducting polymer electrolytes // Solid State Ionics. 2003. Vol. 162-163. P. 237-245.
  12. Fidalgo A., Ilharco L.M. Thikness, morphology and structure of sol-gel hybrid films: I - the role of the precursor solution's ageing // J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech. 2003. Vol.26, N 1-3. P. 363-367.
  13. Voronkov M.G., Belousova L.I., Pozhidaev Yu.N., Vlasova N.N. Mono- and bis-N-[3-(triorganylsilyl)propyl]guanidines and their derivatives // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2003. Vol. 73, N 8. P. 1239-1242.
  14. Rao M.S., Gray J., Dave B.C. Smart glasses: molecular programming of dynamic responses in organosilica sol-gels // J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech. 2003. Vol. 26, N 1-3. P. 553-560.
  15. Krakovsky I., Urakawa H., Kajiwara K., Kohjiya S. Time resolved small angle X-ray scattering gel formation kinetic // J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 1998. Vol. 231. P. 31-40.
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  18. Brusatin G., Innocanzi P., Guglielmi M. Basic catalyzed synthesis of hybrid sol-gel materials based on 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane // J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech. 2003. Vol. 26, N 1-3. P. 303-306.
  19. Сhang T. С.,Yeh T.F., Yang С. W., Hong Y. S., Wu T. R. Сhain dynamics and stability of the poly(3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane) - covinylimidazole // Polymer. 2001. Vol. 42, N 2. P. 8565-8570.
  20. Chung C.-M., Lee S.-J., Kim J.-C., Jang D.-O. Organic-inorganic hybrids based on unsaturated polyеster // J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 2002. Vol. 311, N 2. P. 195-198.
  21. Слинякова И.Б., Денисова Т.И. Кремнийорганические адсорбенты. Получение, свойства, применение. Киев: Наукова думка, 1988. 192 с.
  22. Воронков М.Г., Жагата Л.А. Исследования в области алкоксисиланов. Кинетика и механизм кислотного катализа тетраэтоксисиланов // Изв. АН Латв. ССР. Серия химическая. 1967. N 4. С. 452-460.
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  24. Vlasova N.N., Pozhidaev Yu.N., Raspopina O.Yu., Belousova L.I., Voronkov M.G. Polyorganylsilsesquioxanes containing carbofunctional groups (NH)2C(SO2). Synthesis and sorption properties // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 1999. Vol. 69. N 9.P. 1391-1394.
  25. Воронков М.Г., Кухарская Э.В., Макарская В.М. Повышение химической и термической устойчивости стекловолокна путем поверхностного модифицирования полиэтоксиэлементосилоксанами // Журнал прикл. химии. 1983. Т. 52, N 4. С. 868-873.
  26. Lenza R.F.S., Vasconcelos W.L. Synthesis and properties of microporous sol-gel silica membranes // J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 2000. Vol. 273, N 1-3. C. 164-169.
  27. Vacassy R., Flatt R.J., Hofmann H., Choi K.S., Singh R.K. Synthesis of microporous silica spheres // J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 2000. Vol. 227, N 2. P. 302-315.
  28. Kimoto M., Hioki A., Sakurai Y., Shiozaki H. Synthesis of micro-particles of silicon dioxide in oksipropilcellulose solutions. 1. The influence of solvent and the molecular weight of oksipropilcellulozy on the growth and morphology of micro-particles//J. Adhes. Soc. Jap. 2003. Vol. 39, N. 10. P. 371-376.
  29. Mokoena E.M., Datye A.K., Coville N.J. A Systematic Study of the Use of DL-Tartaric acid in the Synthesis of Silica Material Obtained by Sol-Gel Method // J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech. 2003. Vol. 28. P. 307-317.
  30. Lo D., Lam S.K., Ye C., Lam K.S. Narrow line width operation of solid dye laser based on sol-gel silica // Optics Communications. 1998. Vol. 156. P. 316-320.
  31. Niznansky D., Rehspriger J.L. Infrared study of SiO2 sol to gel evolution and gel aging // J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 1995. Vol. 180. P. 191-196.
  32. Tian D., Blachtr S., Jerome R. Biodegradable and biocompatible inorganic-organic hybrid materials: 4. Effect of acid content and water content on the incorporation of aliphatic polyesters into silica by sol-gel process // Polymer. 1999. Vol. 40. P. 951-957.
  33. Messori M., Toselli M., Pilati M., Fabbri E., Fabbri P., Busoli S., Pasquali L., Nannorone S. Flame retarding poly(methylmethacrylate) with nanostructured organic-inorganic hybrid coatings // Polymer. 2003. Vol. 44. P. 4463-4470.
  34. Tadanada K., Tezuka T., Matsuda A., Hayasi A., Tatsumisado M. Utilization of glass paper as a support of proton conductive inorganic-organic hybrid membranes based on 3-glycidoxypropyltrimеthoxysilane // Electrochem. Communication. 2005. Vol. 7. P. 245-248.
  35. Ogura K., Nakaoka K., Nakayama K., Kobayashi M., Fujii A. Thermogravimetriy/mass spectrometry of urease-immobilized sol-gel silica and the application of such a urease-modified electrode to the potentiometric determination of urea // Analytical Chеmica Acta. 1999. Vol. 384. P. 219-225.
  36. Meng Q.G., Fu L.S., Zhang H.J., Lin J., Zheng Y.X., Li H.R., Wang S.B., Yu Y.N. Preparation and characterization of novel luminescent sol-gel films containing a RE3+ carboxylic acid complex // J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech. 2002. Vol. 24. P. 131-137.
  37. Smarsly B., Garnweitner G., Assink R., Brinkers C.J. Preparation and characterization of mesostructured polymers-functionalized sol-gel-derived thin films // Progress in Organic Coating. 2003. Vol. 47. P. 393-400.
  38. Neoh K.G., Tan K.K., Goh P.L., Huang S.W., Kang E.T., Tan K.L. Electroactive polymer-SiO2 nanocomposites for metal uptake // Polymer. 1999. Vol. 40. P. 887-893.
  39. He J.-P., Li H.-M., Wang X.-Y., Gao Y. In situ preparation of poly(ethylene terephthalate)-SiO2nanocomposites // Eur. Polymer J. 2006. Vol. 42, N 5. P. 1128-1134.
  40. Javaid A., Hughey M. P., Varutbangkul V. et al. Solubility-based gas separation with oligomer-modified inorganic membranes // J. Membrane Science. 2001. Vol. 187, Iss. 1-2. P. 141-150.
  41. Nagale M., Kim B. Y., Bruening M. L. Ultrathin, Hyper branched Poly(acrylic acid) Membranes on Porous Alumina Supports // J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000. Vol. 122. P.11670-11678.
  42. Qiu F., Zhou Y., Liu J. The synthesis and characteristic study of 6FDA-6FHP-NLO polyimide/SiO2 nanohybrid materials // Eur. Polymer J. 2004. Vol. 40, № 4. P. 713-720.
  43. Sengupta R., Bandyopadhyay A., Sabharwal S., Chaki T. K., Bhowmick A. K. Polyamide-6,6/in situ silica hybrid nanocomposites by sol-gel technique: synthesis, characterization and properties // Polymer. 2005. Vol. 46, N 10. P. 3343-3354.
  44. Kotoky T., Dolui S.K. Synthesis of polystyrene/silica hybrid composites by the sol-gel method: effect of introduction of a flexible component (butylacrylate) into the silylated polystyrene backbone // Colloid and Polymer. Sci. 2006. Vol. 284, N 10. P. 1163-1169.
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  51. Лебедева О.В., Пожидаев Ю.Н., Шаглаева Н.С., Бочкарева С.С., Еськова Л.А. Сополимеры на основе N-винилпиразола // Журнал прикл. химии. 2011. Т. 84, Вып. 1. С. 128-132.
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  68. Pinero M., La Rosa-Fox N.D., Erce-Montilla R., Esquivias L. Small angleneutron scattering study of PbS quantum dots synthetic routes via sol-gel. J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech. 2003, vol. 26, no. 1-3, pp. 527-531.
  69. Schubert U. Silica-based and transition metal-based inorganic-organic hybrids materials - a comparison. J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech. 2003, vol. 26, no. 1-3, pp. 47-55.
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  72. Voronkov M.G., Belousova L.I., Pozhidaev Yu.N., Vlasova N.N. Mono- and bis-N-[3-(triorganylsilyl)propyl]guanidines and their derivatives. Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2003, vol. 73, no. 8, pp. 1239-1242.
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  87. Kimoto M., Hioki A., Sakurai Y., Shiozaki H.J. Synthesis of micro-particles of silicon dioxide in oksipropilcellulose solutions. 1. The influence of solvent and the molecular weight of oksipropilcellulose on the growth and morphology of micro-particles. Adhes. Soc. Jap. 2003, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 371-376.
  88. Mokoena E.M., Datye A.K., Coville N. Systematic Study of the Use of DL-Tartaric acid in the Synthesis of Silica Material Obtained by Sol-Gel Method. J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech., 2003, vol. 28, pp. 307-317.
  89. Lo D., Lam S.K., Ye C., Lam K.S. Narrow line width operation of solid dye laser based on sol-gel silica. Optics Communications, 1998, vol. 156, pp. 316-320.
  90. Niznansky D., Rehspriger J.L. Infrared study of SiO2 sol to gel evolution and gel aging. J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 1995, vol. 180, pp. 191-196.
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  92. Tian D., Blachtr S., Jerome R. Biodegradable and biocompatible inorganic-organic hybrid materials: 4. Effect of acid content and water content on the incorporation of aliphatic polyesters into silica by sol-gel process. Polymer. 1999, vol. 40, pp. 951-957.
  93. Messori M., Toselli M., Pilati M., Fabbri E., Fabbri S., Busoli S., Pasquali L., Nannorone S. Flame retarding poly(methylmethacrylate) with nanostructured organic-inorganic hybrid coatings. Polymer, 2003, vol. 44, pp. 4463-4470.
  94. Tadanada K., Tezuka T., Matsuda A., Hayasi A., Tatsumisado M. Utilization of glass paper as a support of proton conductive inorganic-organic hybrid membranes based on 3-glycidoxypropyltrimеthoxysilane. Electrochem. Communication. 2005, vol. 7, pp. 245-248.
  95. Ogura K., Nakaoka K., Nakayama K., Kobayashi M., Fujii A. Thermogravimetriy/mass spectrometry of urease-immobilized sol-gel silica and the application of such a urease-modified electrode to the potentiometric determination of urea. Analytical Chemica Acta. 1999, vol. 384, pp. 219-225.
  96. Meng Q.G., Fu L.S., Zhang H.J., Lin J., Zheng Y.X., Li H.R., Wang S.B., Yu Y.N. Preparation and characterization of novel luminescent sol-gel films containing a RE3+ carboxylic acid complex. J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech. 2002, vol. 24, pp. 131-137.
  97. Smarsly B., Garnweitner G., Assink, R., Brinkers C. Preparation and characterization of mesostructured polymers-functionalized sol-gel-derived thin films. J. Progress in Organic Coating. 2003, vol. 47, pp. 393-400.
  98. Neoh K.G., Tan K.K. Goh, P.L., Huang S.W., Kang E.T., Tan K.L. Electroactive polymer-SiO2 nanocomposites for metal uptake. Polymer. 1999, vol. 40, pp. 887-893.
  99. He J.-P., Li H.-M. Wang, X.-Y., Gao Y. In situ preparation of poly(ethylene terephthalate)-SiO2nanocomposites. Eur. Polymer J. 2006, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 1128-1134.
  100. Javaid A., Hughey M. P., Varutbangkul V. [et al.] J. Membrane Science, 2001, vol. 187, no. 1-2, pp. 141-150.
  101. Nagale M., Kim B.Y., Bruening M.L. Ultrathin, Hyper branched Poly(acrylic acid) Membranes on Porous Alumina Supports. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, vol. 122, pp. 11670-11678.
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